Employee Personal Page

Setting Up Your Allotment/Deposit

  1. Login to your agencies payroll system

EPP – https://www.employeeexpress.gov/

MyPay – https://mypay.dfas.mil/#/

Postal Ease – https://ewss.usps.gov/

  1. Click on “Allotment” and on your agencies home page.
  2. The routing number is 031101169 (Bancorp Bank)
  3. Call us at (833) 225-8815 and/or click HERE https://calendly.com/dquiett/30min to schedule a time and you will be assigned a personal account number
  4. Type of account: CHECKING
  5. You will then enter the biweekly amount
  6. Click on “Submit” and your deposit will be set up

Payroll Administration Services are delivered by Piedmontpays.com